August 13, 2021

Citizenship after Waiver Questions

Attorney Mooradian's client, a long-time resident of the United States, recently received citizenship at the Lawrence Field Office of USCIS. His client came with questions about a misrepresentation allegation on his immigration record from many years ago.  Mooradian conducted a FOIA request and reviewed the entire alien file to determine what, if any, effect the misrepresentation might have on naturalization. Knowing that naturalization requires a finding of good moral character, whereas permanent resident status is issued as a matter of discretion, it could not be assumed that the misrepresentation would have no impact whatsoever.

Mooradian reviewed the record and found that inadmissibility had been waived, and thus this issue cured, by a previous USCIS officer. Mooradian made note of the mirepresentation on the N-400 to avoid any allegations that his client was misrepresenting the incident further.  The officer understood the previous officer's actions had cured the question, and naturalization was granted.  The client was sworn in as a United States Citizen the same morning of the interview, and he now enjoys the benefits of a U.S. Citizen.

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