September 1, 2020

Mooradian speaks with COSECHA Massachusetts

Attorney Mooradian recently spoke with COSECHA Massachusetts regarding immigration issues that are profoundly affecting immigrant communities in Massachusetts.  The presentation was moderated by local activist Jenny Rodriguez.  Throughout the conversation, Mooradian spoke about issues such as the changing policies of the immigration agency due to COVID 19, upcoming changes to the filing fees for USCIS, and issues relating to humanitarian benefits.

Mooradian stressed that cases are still being processed by the agency, albeit a bit more slowly in some instances.  However, Mooradian urged listeners to continue to submit their applications for processing to “preserve their place in line,” that is, obtain as early of a priority date as possible.  Mooradian also noted some of the precautions being taken at the agency, such as hand washing, sanitizer, limitations on guests/interpreters, and even the opportunity to have attorneys appear by telephone.

Additionally, Mooradian stressed that while master calendar hearings are frequently being rescheduled, clients should contact the immigration court regularly to ensure that they do not miss a hearing.  In particular, those who were scheduled for individual hearings during the pandemic closures are frequently being scheduled for hearings with little notice.

With respect to filing fees, Mooradian discussed the significant changes to fees that are coming forth on October 2, 2020.  He urged clients considering filing for adjustment of status or naturalization to move quickly in submitting those filings.

Mooradian also highlighted numerous forms of abuse that may cause an individual to qualify for humanitarian relief.  The entire conversation was conducted in Spanish, thus Mooradian reviewed the “Rueda de Control,” which can be used to show the different types of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.  Mooradian concluded by thanking COSECHA for moving forward in its movement to improve the quality of life for undocumented people living in Massachusetts, as well as those with delicate immigration status such as those with TPS and DACA.

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